Why is the PyObjC documentation so bad? [closed] Why is the PyObjC documentation so bad? [closed] python python

Why is the PyObjC documentation so bad? [closed]

The main reason for the lack of documentation for PyObjC is that there is one developer (me), and as most developers I don't particularly like writing documentation. Because PyObjC is a side project for me I tend to focus on working on features and bugfixes, because that's more interesting for me.

The best way to improve the documentation is to volunteer to help on the pyobjc-dev mailing list.

As an aside: the pythonmac-sig mailinglist (see google) is an excelent resource for getting help on Python on MacOSX (not just PyObjC).

I agree that that tutorial is flawed, throwing random, unexplained code right in front of your eyes. It introduces concepts such as the autorelease pool and user defaults without explaining why you would want them ("Autorelease pool for memory management" is hardly an explanation).

That said…

basically all I want to do is write Cocoa applications without having to learn ObjC.

I'm afraid that for the time being, you will need a basic grasp of ObjC in order to benefit from any language that uses Cocoa. PyObjC, RubyCocoa, Nu and others are niches at best, and all of them were developed by people intimately familiar with the ins and outs of ObjC and Cocoa.

For now, you will benefit the most if you realistically see those bridges as useful where scripting languages truly shine, rather than trying to build a whole application with them. While this has been done (with LimeChat, I'm using a RubyCocoa-written app right now), it is rare and likely will be for a while.

To be blunt:

If you want to be an effective Cocoa programmer, you must learn Objective-C. End of story.

Neither Python or Ruby are a substitute for Objective-C via their respective bridges. You still have to understand the Objective-C APIs, the behaviors inherent to NSObject derived classes, and many other details of Cocoa.

PyObjC and RubyCocoa are a great way to access Python or Ruby functionality from a Cocoa application, including building a Cocoa application mostly -- if not entirely -- in Python or Ruby. But success therein is founded upon a thorough understanding of Cocoa and the Objective-C APIs it is composed of.