Why there is no do while loop in python Why there is no do while loop in python python python

Why there is no do while loop in python

There is no do...while loop because there is no nice way to define one that fits in the statement: indented block pattern used by every other Python compound statement. As such proposals to add such syntax have never reached agreement.

Nor is there really any need to have such a construct, not when you can just do:

while True:    # statement(s)    if not condition:        break

and have the exact same effect as a C do { .. } while condition loop.

See PEP 315 -- Enhanced While Loop:

Rejected [...] because no syntax emerged that could compete with the following form:

    while True:        <setup code>        if not <condition>:            break        <loop body>

A syntax alternative to the one proposed in the PEP was found for a basic do-while loop but it gained little support because the condition was at the top:

    do ... while <cond>:        <loop body>

or, as Guido van Rossum put it:

Please reject the PEP. More variations along these lines won't make the language more elegant or easier to learn. They'd just save a few hasty folks some typing while making others who have to read/maintain their code wonder what it means.

Because everyone is looking at it wrong. You don't want DO ... WHILE you want DO ... UNTIL.

If the intitial condition is true, a WHILE loop is probably what you want. The alternative is not a REPEAT ... WHILE loop, it's a REPEAT ... UNTIL loop. The initial condition starts out false, and then the loop repeats until it's true.

The obvious syntax would be

repeat until (false condition):  code  code

But for some reason this flies over everyone's heads.