wxPython WebView example wxPython WebView example python python

wxPython WebView example

This is a simple example that works for me.

Make sure you are running the latest version of wxpython. (wxpython 2.9)

import wx import wx.html2 class MyBrowser(wx.Dialog):   def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):     wx.Dialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)     sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)     self.browser = wx.html2.WebView.New(self)     sizer.Add(self.browser, 1, wx.EXPAND, 10)     self.SetSizer(sizer)     self.SetSize((700, 700)) if __name__ == '__main__':   app = wx.App()   dialog = MyBrowser(None, -1)   dialog.browser.LoadURL("http://www.google.com")   dialog.Show()   app.MainLoop() 

I posted to this thread after reading the first two entries, and in my post I said something like:

There is an answer here, but it doesn't answer the question. The question was: How do I display an HTML file in a string in a browser window? The only answer opens the browser window, but gets data from a url and doesn't use the string contents.

But then I researched the answer further, I took the postings here and came up with the actual answer to the original question, which was: How do I display from a string?:

If you copy the html string assignment into the code sample, but replace the line:




Everything should work as desired (displaying html page from a string (instead of url))

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