Adding a company Logo to ShinyDashboard header Adding a company Logo to ShinyDashboard header r r

Adding a company Logo to ShinyDashboard header

I've been working with a bit of a hack for this, (and I know you didn't ask for it, but here's a clickable logo while we're at it):

library(shiny)library(shinydashboard)dbHeader <- dashboardHeader()dbHeader$children[[2]]$children <-  tags$a(href='',                                           tags$img(src='logo.png',height='60',width='200'))dashboardPage(       dbHeader,       dashboardSidebar(),       dashboardBody())

So this nests a shiny.tag inside the header. The second slot in this particular shiny object is the logo slot (You'll need a 'logo.png' in your /www/ folder in the app directory)


I just checked, and as of right now, this hack should no longer be necessary, you can insert the html directly from the dashboardHeader function via the title= parameter, (Before, that parameter was enforcing text only),

I think the answer might still be useful as a method to modify existing shiny functions where things ARE hardcoded in though.

Here's the method now:

dashboardPage(    dashboardHeader(title = tags$a(href='',                                    tags$img(src='logo.png')))

or, adding a little more magic to the logo (I also use my logo as a loading bar):

# Takes a location 'href', an image location 'src', a loading gif 'loadingsrc'# height, width and alt text, and produces a loading logo that activates while# Shiny is busyloadingLogo <- function(href, src, loadingsrc, height = NULL, width = NULL, alt = NULL) {  tagList(    tags$head(      tags$script(        "setInterval(function(){                     if ($('html').attr('class')=='shiny-busy') {                     $('div.busy').show();                     $('div.notbusy').hide();                     } else {                     $('div.busy').hide();                     $('div.notbusy').show();           }         },100)")  ),  tags$a(href=href,         div(class = "busy",               img(src=loadingsrc,height = height, width = width, alt = alt)),         div(class = 'notbusy',             img(src = src, height = height, width = width, alt = alt))   )  )}dashboardBody(  dashboardHeader(title = loadingLogo('',                                      'logo.png',                                      'loader.gif'),  dashboardSidebar(),  dashboardBody())

Here's my hack (put your logo, as has been mentioned before, into a www subdirectory of your app directory).
Because dashboardHeader() expects a tag element of type li and class dropdown, we can pass such elements instead of dropdownMenus:

library(shiny)library(shinydashboard)dbHeader <- dashboardHeader(title = "My Dashboard",                            tags$li(a(href = '',                                      icon("power-off"),                                      title = "Back to Apps Home"),                                    class = "dropdown"),                            tags$li(a(href = '',                                      img(src = 'company_logo.png',                                          title = "Company Home", height = "30px"),                                      style = "padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px;"),                                    class = "dropdown"))server <- function(input, output) {}shinyApp(    ui = dashboardPage(        dbHeader,        dashboardSidebar(),        dashboardBody()    ),    server = server)