Change the default position of zoom control in leaflet map of Shiny app Change the default position of zoom control in leaflet map of Shiny app r r

Change the default position of zoom control in leaflet map of Shiny app

Try this:

leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE)) %>%    htmlwidgets::onRender("function(el, x) {        L.control.zoom({ position: 'topright' }).addTo(this)    }") %>%

I figure out how to change the position of zoomControl. You can find this feature from my fork of leaflet package:

enter image description here

This is an minimum example to use it:

library(shiny)library(leaflet)ui <- fluidPage(  leafletOutput("mymap"))server <- function(input, output, session) {  output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({    leaflet() %>%      addTiles() %>%      zoomControlPosition('topright')  })}shinyApp(ui, server)

Even though I haven't tried it I think Bangyou gave you an answer that exactly answers your question.

I'd still like to share my approach to this issue for two reasons:

  • It gives easy flexibility to modify your zoomControl in many ways (working only in R)
  • It doesn't modify the leaflet package, so your probably good with all upcoming leaflet releases.

The approach is to customise the zoomcontrol with actionButtons.

In the server

  • Keep track of current map view in reactive values. (I use this for more than just zoom control)
  • Set the view (setView) up or down when the respective action button is pressed.

Add to server.R

# Zoom control - zoom outobserveEvent(input$map_zoom_out ,{  leafletProxy("map") %>%     setView(lat  = (input$map_bounds$north + input$map_bounds$south) / 2,            lng  = (input$map_bounds$east + input$map_bounds$west) / 2,            zoom = input$map_zoom - 1)})# Zoom control - zoom inobserveEvent(input$map_zoom_in ,{  leafletProxy("map") %>%     setView(lat  = (input$map_bounds$north + input$map_bounds$south) / 2,            lng  = (input$map_bounds$east + input$map_bounds$west) / 2,            zoom = input$map_zoom + 1)})

I like to add absolutepanels in the UI with actionButtons, but place the buttons where you like.

In ui.R add:

absolutePanel(  top = "auto", left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = 20,  width = "auto", height = "auto",  actionButton("map_zoom_in", "+"),  actionButton("map_zoom_out", "-"))

This allows you to change the default position and choose any position. Don't forget to disable the standard zoom control in the server with

leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE))

Hope it's valuable.

Best,Jiddu Alexander