changing indentation in emacs ess [closed] changing indentation in emacs ess [closed] r r

changing indentation in emacs ess [closed]

I get

ggplot(data =,       aes(x="",           y=Percent,           fill = Overtime)) +    geom_bar(width = 1) +    xlab('') +    ylab(sub.txt) +    labs(title = title.txt) +    facet_wrap(~Year.Month) +    geom_text(aes(y = txt.pos, label = Per.txt)) +    coord_polar(theta = "y") +    scale_fill_manual(values = c('green', 'red')) +    theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(),          axis.text.y = element_blank(),          axis.text.x = element_blank())

and I use defaults straight out of the R manuals.

;; R-internals manual;;; ESS(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook      (lambda ()        (ess-set-style 'C++ 'quiet)        ;; Because        ;;                                 DEF GNU BSD K&R C++        ;; ess-indent-level                  2   2   8   5   4        ;; ess-continued-statement-offset    2   2   8   5   4        ;; ess-brace-offset                  0   0  -8  -5  -4        ;; ess-arg-function-offset           2   4   0   0   0        ;; ess-expression-offset             4   2   8   5   4        ;; ess-else-offset                   0   0   0   0   0        ;; ess-close-brace-offset            0   0   0   0   0        (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks              (lambda ()            (ess-nuke-trailing-whitespace)))));;(setq ess-nuke-trailing-whitespace-p 'ask);; or even(setq ess-nuke-trailing-whitespace-p t);; Perl(add-hook 'perl-mode-hook      (lambda () (setq perl-indent-level 4)))

You could modify those values in the comment.

I am also not seeing your problem. Try to update, it might be an old bug.

In any case C-c C-e s allows you to change the indentation styles on the fly. The recommended one is RRR.