Changing Tor identity in R Changing Tor identity in R r r

Changing Tor identity in R

I had a similar problem, but managed to make it work after installing Privoxy as a http-proxy and setting it up as explained here. Then, this is the code I used in R:

library(RCurl)# check current IP addressprint(getURL(""))# proxy optionsopts <- list(proxy="", proxyport=8118)# opening connection with TORcon <- socketConnection(host="",port=9051)print(getURL("", .opts = opts))  for (i in 1:10)    {    writeLines('AUTHENTICATE \"password\"\r\nSIGNAL NEWNYM\r\n', con=con)    Sys.sleep(5)    print(getURL("", .opts = opts))     Sys.sleep(5)    }  

Make sure you are using manual settings for the TCP connection, with address, and the authentication method is "password", substituting the password between double quotes in the code above with the one you set.