Control number formatting in Shiny's implementation of DataTable Control number formatting in Shiny's implementation of DataTable r r

Control number formatting in Shiny's implementation of DataTable

I know this is quite an old post, however was struggling with this today too so thought that someone else may get value from this solution.

Since the question was asked the DT package was released by RStudio (Github or CRAN).At first glance it isn't too obvious how to format numbers as their isn't a corresponding formatNumber function like their is formatCurrency. The way around it is to use the formatCurrency and just set the currency parameter to nothing. Example below.

library(shiny)library(DT)runApp(  list(ui = fluidPage(    DT::dataTableOutput("mytable")  ),  server = function(input, output, session) {    output$mytable <- DT::renderDataTable(      DT::datatable(iris*1000,                     options = list(pageLength = 50,                                    columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-left',                                                           targets = 0:4)))) %>%         formatCurrency(1:4, '')    )  }  ))

Problem with format an prettyNum is the fact that these functions produce characters instead of numerics. Thus, it is then impossible to style your rendered table.A solution may be the following with this example :

  output$tab <- renderDataTable({   datatable(mytable) %>%      formatCurrency(columns = ..., currency = "", interval = 3, mark = ",") %>%      formatStyle(      columns = ...,      color = styleInterval(myThreshold, c("black", "red"))) }) 

Try formatting the df you pass to renderDatatable() with thousands formatting

df$x <- format(df$x, big.mark=',', scientific=FALSE) 


df$x<-prettyNum(df$x, big.mark = ",")