Convert a list of sf objects into one sf Convert a list of sf objects into one sf r r

Convert a list of sf objects into one sf

df <-, my_list)> class(df)[1] "sf"         "data.frame"

It is worth noting that dplyr::bind_rows and purrr::map_dfr does not work with sf objects, and thus rbind is better in this case.

This is an old question but it is worth to note that the recent version of dplyr (> 0.9) can bind rows of sf objects (in a list or not):

single_sf <- dplyr::bind_rows(my_list)class(single_sf)[1] "sf"         "data.frame"

Other packages also provide options that can be used for binding sf objects (e.g.mapedit:::combine_list_of_sf(), sf:::rbind.sf and data.table::rbindlist), besides the option mentioned above (see for a discussion and some benchmarking). But the dplyr option also works for sf objects with data frames containing different number of columns, somenthing that, sf:::rbind.sf(), and data.table::rbindlist() cannot do, and was important for me working with a list of sf objects with different number of columns.