Convert months mmm to numeric Convert months mmm to numeric r r

Convert months mmm to numeric

Use match and the predefined vector

tst <- c("Jan","Mar","Dec")match(tst,[1]  1  3 12

You can use the built-in vector to check against when converting to a number, eg :

mm <- c("Jan","Dec","jan","Mar","Apr")sapply(mm,function(x) grep(paste("(?i)",x,sep=""), Dec jan Mar Apr   1  12   1   3   4 

The grep construct takes care of differences in capitalization. If that's not needed,


works just as fine.

If you also have a day and a year column, you can use any of the conversion functions, using the appropriate codes (see also ?strftime)


mm <- c("Jan","Dec","jan","Mar","Apr")year <- c(1998,1998,1999,1999,1999)day <- c(4,10,3,16,25)dates <- paste(year,mm,day,sep="-")strptime(dates,format="%Y-%b-%d")[1] "1998-01-04" "1998-12-10" "1999-01-03" "1999-03-16" "1999-04-25"

Just adding to the existing answers and the comment in the question:


Results date format "2018-12-20". locale("pt") is for Portuguese, which is used in Brazil, can do "es" for Spanish, "fr" for French etc.