Convert seconds to days: hours:minutes:seconds Convert seconds to days: hours:minutes:seconds r r

Convert seconds to days: hours:minutes:seconds

You may try

library(lubridate)seconds_to_period(86400)#[1] "1d 0H 0M 0S"seconds_to_period(48000)#[1] "13H 20M 0S"

If you need to format

td <- seconds_to_period(86400)sprintf('%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', day(td), td@hour, minute(td), second(td))#[1] "01 00:00:00"

If it spans for >99 days,

td <- seconds_to_period(1e7)sprintf('%03d %02d:%02d:%02d', day(td), td@hour, minute(td), second(td))#[1] "115 17:46:40"

Using base R, the following should work:

dhms <- function(t){    paste(t %/% (60*60*24)          ,paste(formatC(t %/% (60*60) %% 24, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")               ,formatC(t %/% 60 %% 60, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")               ,formatC(t %% 60, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")               ,sep = ":"               )         )}> dhms(86400)[1] "1 00:00:00" > dhms(48000)[1] "0 13:20:00"> dhms(1e7)[1] "115 17:46:40"> dhms(c(86400, 48000, 1e7))[1] "1 00:00:00"   "0 13:20:00"   "115 17:46:40"

This also works using from kimisc, though not as elegant as @akrun's answer:

library(kimisc)library(dplyr)library(stringr)HMS = HMS = HMS = HMS %>%  str_extract("^\\d+") %>%  as.numeric() %>%  {paste(.%/%24, .%%24)} %>%  str_replace(HMS, "^\\d+", .)


[1] "1 0:00:00"[1] "0 13:20:00"[1] "115 17:46:40"