dplyr 0.7.0 tidyeval in packages dplyr 0.7.0 tidyeval in packages r r

dplyr 0.7.0 tidyeval in packages

for some functions, calling them prefixed with the package yields errors?

That's right, but we could make them work to make things more predictable. You can file a github issue for this feature.

is there a less verbose way of writing package-friendly dplyr functions with the new syntax in 0.7.0?

The alternative is to declare all your column symbols to R, e.g. within a globalVariables(c("v", "w")) statement somewhere in your package.

Ideally, R should know about NSE functions and never warn for unknown symbols in those cases.

Another work-around is to add lines such as

v <- NULL; # mark as not an unbound global reference

just above your expressions that are generating CRAN checks. It is no less accurate (column names are not in fact global variables) and has somewhat limited scope.