Error in install.packages: internet routines cannot be loaded using StatET while it works in R console Error in install.packages: internet routines cannot be loaded using StatET while it works in R console r r

Error in install.packages: internet routines cannot be loaded using StatET while it works in R console

Based on the information given in the question and comments it seems that the issue is that for some reason the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is incorrect when using StatET. I don't know why that is and there may be a better solution to this problem but you should be able to work around it at least. Add a line to .Rprofile or that uses Sys.setenv() to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to something sensible. Based on the information given above that might look something like this:


If it is indeed a problem with the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH then you can set it in eclipse for your specified R configuration via Run->Run configurations->Environment tab.

Environment tab in statet

you may also need to check the settings for your R environment.

Other tab in statet

Check this suggestion too...

"Fixed !I just added the following command to my .bash_profile, and the problem was resolved.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TOOLS/curl-7.43.0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

or these ones