Fetching UTF-8 text from MySQL in R returns "????" Fetching UTF-8 text from MySQL in R returns "????" r r

Fetching UTF-8 text from MySQL in R returns "????"

Thanks to @chooban I found out the connection session was using latin1 instead of utf8. Here are two solutions I found:

  • For RMySQL, after connecting run the query SET NAMES utf8 to change the connection character set.
  • For RODBC, connect using CharSet=utf8 in the DSN string. I was not able to run SET NAMES via ODBC.

This question pointed me in the right direction.

Here's something to try at least. After you've connected, run "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_%'" and print out the results. If nothing else it's a useful check to see if the character set options you've specified have taken.

This worked for me. Here is a full example:

con = dbConnect(drv = MySQL(), user = user, password = password,                dbname = dbname, host=host)dbSendQuery(con, "SET NAMES utf8mb4;")dbSendQuery(con, "SET CHARACTER SET utf8mb4;")dbSendQuery(con, "SET character_set_connection=utf8mb4;")dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM WHATEVER")