Fitting with ggplot2, geom_smooth and nls Fitting with ggplot2, geom_smooth and nls r r

Fitting with ggplot2, geom_smooth and nls

There are several problems:

  1. formula is a parameter of nls and you need to pass a formula object to it and not a character.
  2. ggplot2 passes y and x to nls and not fold and t.
  3. By default, stat_smooth tries to get the confidence interval. That isn't implemented in predict.nls.

In summary:

d <- ggplot(test,aes(x=t, y=fold))+          #to make it obvious I use argument names instead of positional matching  geom_point()+  geom_smooth(method="nls",               formula=y~1+Vmax*(1-exp(-x/tau)), # this is an nls argument,                                                 #but stat_smooth passes the parameter along              start=c(tau=0.2,Vmax=2), # this too              se=FALSE) # this is an argument to stat_smooth and                         # switches off drawing confidence intervals


After the major ggplot2 update to version 2, you need:

geom_smooth(method="nls",               formula=y~1+Vmax*(1-exp(-x/tau)), # this is an nls argument              method.args = list(start=c(tau=0.2,Vmax=2)), # this too              se=FALSE)