Hosting and setting up own shiny apps without shiny server Hosting and setting up own shiny apps without shiny server r r

Hosting and setting up own shiny apps without shiny server

If your PC and your coworkers PCs belong to the same LAN, this is pretty easy to achieve. Just run your app through:

runApp(host = "", port = 5050)

The value set through the host argument says to accept any connection (not just from localhost). The port argument can assume any value that you want (just assure to avoid to select ports used by other services like ssh or http). Then, take note of your local IP (if you are under linux, you can see it through ifconfig). Say your IP is Your colleagues can use your app by inserting in the address bar of their browser, i.e. your IP followed by : and the port number you selected.

If you want access from outside your LAN, you can direct your router to your PC when someone connect to your public IP through the 5050 port.

Sharing apps over the LAN like this is pretty cool, but it is kind of a hack. I tried it with some co-workers, and it works, but it is more of an office trick than a sustainable solution.

I just finished developing the RInno package for this exact problem, i.e. when a company will not pay for Shiny Server or there are security concerns with cloud services.

To get started:


Then you just need to call two functions to create an installation framework:

create_app(app_name = "myapp", app_dir = "path/to/myapp")compile_iss()

If you would like to include R for your co-workers who don't have it installed, add include_R = TRUE to create_app:

create_app(app_name = "myapp", app_dir = "path/to/myapp", include_R = TRUE)

It defaults to include shiny, magrittr and jsonlite, so if you are using other packages like ggplot2 or plotly, just add them to the pkgs argument. You can also include GitHub packages to the remotes argument:

create_app(    app_name = "myapp",     app_dir  = "path/to/myapp"    pkgs     = c("shiny", "jsonlite", "magrittr", "plotly", "ggplot2"),    remotes  = c("talgalili/installr", "daattali/shinyjs"))

If you are interested in other features, check out FI Labs - RInno

You might want to have a look at the open source solution shinyproxy.

Using shinyproxy you will have to wrap your apps in a docker container to host them.

Here you can find a guide on how to deploy a shiny app in a docker container (which btw. is a good practice, even without using shinyproxy, to maintain the app dependencies).

There are different authentication and scaling methods available.