How to combine top navigation (navbarPage) and a sidebar menu (sidebarMenu) in shiny How to combine top navigation (navbarPage) and a sidebar menu (sidebarMenu) in shiny r r

How to combine top navigation (navbarPage) and a sidebar menu (sidebarMenu) in shiny

You could use sidebarLayout and do something like this:

ui <- fluidPage(sidebarLayout(  sidebarPanel(navlistPanel(    widths = c(12, 12), "SidebarMenu",    tabPanel(selectizeInput('case', 'Pick a case', selected="A", choices = c("A", "B"), multiple = FALSE)),    tabPanel(numericInput('num', 'Number', min = 1, max = 10, value = 1, step = 1))  )),      mainPanel(navbarPage(title = "nav w/ sidebarMenu",                                                        tabPanel(h4("Perspective 1"),                                     tabsetPanel(                                       tabPanel("Subtab 1.1",                                                plotOutput("plot11")),                                       tabPanel("Subtab 1.2")                                     )),                            tabPanel(h4("Perspective 2"),                                     tabsetPanel(                                       tabPanel("Subtab 2.1"),                                       tabPanel("Subtab 2.2")                                     )))            )    ))

You get something like this:enter image description here

Another option would be using fluidRow function. Something like this:

  ui <- fluidPage(    fluidRow(      column(3, navlistPanel(        widths = c(12, 12), "SidebarMenu",        tabPanel(selectizeInput('case', 'Pick a case', selected="A", choices = c("A", "B"), multiple = FALSE)),        tabPanel(numericInput('num', 'Number', min = 1, max = 10, value = 1, step = 1))      )),      column(9,  navbarPage(title = "nav w/ sidebarMenu",                                                          tabPanel(h4("Perspective 1"),                                      tabsetPanel(                                        tabPanel("Subtab 1.1",                                                 plotOutput("plot11")),                                        tabPanel("Subtab 1.2")                                      )),                             tabPanel(h4("Perspective 2"),                                      tabsetPanel(                                        tabPanel("Subtab 2.1"),                                        tabPanel("Subtab 2.2")                                      ))))                )      )    

To get this:enter image description here

Hope it helps!

There is now an easier and more elegant way to do achieve it:


and here to see it in action.

This is now possible using bootstraplib

Github Request to implement this:

min reprex:

# package load ------------------------------------------------------------library(shiny)library(bootstraplib)# boot dash layout funs ---------------------------------------------------boot_side_layout <- function(...) {  div(class = "d-flex wrapper", ...)}boot_sidebar <- function(...) {  div(    class = "bg-light border-right sidebar-wrapper",    div(class = "list-group list-group-flush", ...)  )}boot_main <- function(...) {  div(    class = "page-content-wrapper",    div(class = "container-fluid", ...)  )}# title -------------------------------------------------------------------html_title <-  '<span class="logo">    <div style="display:inline-block;">      <a href=""><img src="" height="35"/></a>      <b>my company name</b> a subtitle of application or dashboard    </div>  </span>'# css ---------------------------------------------------------------------css_def <- "body {  overflow-x: hidden;}.container-fluid, .container-sm, .container-md, .container-lg, .container-xl {    padding-left: 0px;}.sidebar-wrapper {  min-height: 100vh;  margin-left: -15rem;  padding-left: 15px;  padding-right: 15px;  -webkit-transition: margin .25s ease-out;  -moz-transition: margin .25s ease-out;  -o-transition: margin .25s ease-out;  transition: margin .25s ease-out;}.sidebar-wrapper .list-group {  width: 15rem;}.page-content-wrapper {  min-width: 100vw;  padding: 20px;}.wrapper.toggled .sidebar-wrapper {  margin-left: 0;}.sidebar-wrapper, .page-content-wrapper {  padding-top: 20px;}.navbar{  margin-bottom: 0px;}@media (max-width: 768px) {  .sidebar-wrapper {    padding-right: 0px;    padding-left: 0px;  }}@media (min-width: 768px) {  .sidebar-wrapper {    margin-left: 0;  }  .page-content-wrapper {    min-width: 0;    width: 100%;  }  .wrapper.toggled .sidebar-wrapper {    margin-left: -15rem;  }}"# app ---------------------------------------------------------------------ui <- tagList(  tags$head(tags$style(HTML(css_def))),  bootstrap(),  navbarPage(    collapsible = TRUE,    title = HTML(html_title),    tabPanel(      "Tab 1",      boot_side_layout(        boot_sidebar(          sliderInput(            inputId = "bins",            label = "Number of bins:",            min = 1,            max = 50,            value = 30          )        ),        boot_main(          fluidRow(column(6, h1("Plot 1")), column(6, h1("Plot 2"))),          fluidRow(            column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "distPlot")),            column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "distPlot2"))          )        )      )    ),    tabPanel(      "Tab 2",      boot_side_layout(        boot_sidebar(h1("sidebar input")),        boot_main(h1("main output"))      )    )  ))server <- function(input, output) {  output$distPlot <- renderPlot({    x <- faithful$waiting    bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)    hist(x,      breaks = bins, col = "#75AADB", border = "white",      xlab = "Waiting time to next eruption (in mins)",      main = "Histogram of waiting times"    )  })  output$distPlot2 <- renderPlot({    x <- faithful$waiting    bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)    hist(x,      breaks = bins, col = "#75AADB", border = "white",      xlab = "Waiting time to next eruption (in mins)",      main = "Histogram of waiting times"    )  })}shinyApp(ui, server)