How to compute ROC and AUC under ROC after training using caret in R? How to compute ROC and AUC under ROC after training using caret in R? r r

How to compute ROC and AUC under ROC after training using caret in R?

A sample example for AUC:

rf_output=randomForest(x=predictor_data, y=target, importance = TRUE, ntree = 10001, proximity=TRUE, sampsize=sampsizes)library(ROCR)predictions=as.vector(rf_output$votes[,2])pred=prediction(predictions,target)perf_AUC=performance(pred,"auc") #Calculate the AUC valueAUC=perf_AUC@y.values[[1]]perf_ROC=performance(pred,"tpr","fpr") #plot the actual ROC curveplot(perf_ROC, main="ROC plot")text(0.5,0.5,paste("AUC = ",format(AUC, digits=5, scientific=FALSE)))

or using pROC and caret

library(caret)library(pROC)data(iris)iris <- iris[iris$Species == "virginica" | iris$Species == "versicolor", ]iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species)  # setosa should be removed from factorsamples <- sample(NROW(iris), NROW(iris) * .5)data.train <- iris[samples, ]data.test <- iris[-samples, ]forest.model <- train(Species ~., data.train)result.predicted.prob <- predict(forest.model, data.test, type="prob") # Predictionresult.roc <- roc(data.test$Species, result.predicted.prob$versicolor) # Draw ROC curve.plot(result.roc, print.thres="best","closest.topleft")result.coords <- coords(result.roc, "best", best.method="closest.topleft", ret=c("threshold", "accuracy"))print(result.coords)#to get threshold and accuracy

Update 2019. This is what MLeval was written for (, it works with the Caret train output object to make ROCs, PR curves, calibration curves, and calculate metrics, such as ROC-AUC, sensitivity, specificity etc. It just uses one line to do all of this which is helpful for my analyses and may be of interest.

library(caret)library(MLeval)myTrainingControl <- trainControl(method = "cv",                                   number = 10,                                   savePredictions = TRUE,                                   classProbs = TRUE,                                   verboseIter = TRUE)randomForestFit = train(x = Sonar[,1:60],                         y = as.factor(Sonar$Class),                         method = "rf",                         trControl = myTrainingControl,                         preProcess = c("center","scale"),                         ntree = 50)##x <- evalm(randomForestFit)## get roc curve plotted in ggplot2x$roc## get AUC and other metricsx$stdres