How to control the background color of the first slidify slide? How to control the background color of the first slidify slide? r r

How to control the background color of the first slidify slide?

The css defining the title slide is contained in libraries/frameworks/io2012/slidify.css. Here is the part that controls the title slide. You can modify it and add it to your Rmd file directly to override default styles.

.title-slide {  background-color: #CBE7A5; /* #EDE0CF; ; #CA9F9D*/}.title-slide hgroup > h1{ font-family: 'Oswald', 'Helvetica', sanserif; }.title-slide hgroup > h1, .title-slide hgroup > h2 {  color: #535E43 ;  /* ; #EF5150*/}

To do this from within an .Rmd file, one would add the following after the YAML front matter section of index.Rmd. This applies a white background to the title slide:

---title       : title slide bg change exampleauthor      : Ramnath...mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}knit        : slidify::knito2slides---<style>.title-slide {  background-color: #FFFFFF; /* #EDE0CF; ; #CA9F9D*/}</style>

Remember to re-run slidify("index.Rmd") to apply the change.