How to implement R's p.adjust in Python How to implement R's p.adjust in Python r r

How to implement R's p.adjust in Python

If you wish to be sure of what you are getting from R, you can also indicate that you wish to use the function in the R package 'stats':

from rpy2.robjects.packages import importrfrom rpy2.robjects.vectors import FloatVectorstats = importr('stats')p_adjust = stats.p_adjust(FloatVector(pvalue_list), method = 'BH')

Here is an in-house function I use:

def correct_pvalues_for_multiple_testing(pvalues, correction_type = "Benjamini-Hochberg"):                    """                                                                                                       consistent with R - print correct_pvalues_for_multiple_testing([0.0, 0.01, 0.029, 0.03, 0.031, 0.05, 0.069, 0.07, 0.071, 0.09, 0.1])     """    from numpy import array, empty                                                                            pvalues = array(pvalues)     n = float(pvalues.shape[0])                                                                               new_pvalues = empty(n)    if correction_type == "Bonferroni":                                                                           new_pvalues = n * pvalues    elif correction_type == "Bonferroni-Holm":                                                                    values = [ (pvalue, i) for i, pvalue in enumerate(pvalues) ]                                              values.sort()        for rank, vals in enumerate(values):                                                                          pvalue, i = vals            new_pvalues[i] = (n-rank) * pvalue                                                                elif correction_type == "Benjamini-Hochberg":                                                                 values = [ (pvalue, i) for i, pvalue in enumerate(pvalues) ]                                              values.sort()        values.reverse()                                                                                          new_values = []        for i, vals in enumerate(values):                                                                             rank = n - i            pvalue, index = vals                                                                                      new_values.append((n/rank) * pvalue)                                                                  for i in xrange(0, int(n)-1):              if new_values[i] < new_values[i+1]:                                                                           new_values[i+1] = new_values[i]                                                                   for i, vals in enumerate(values):            pvalue, index = vals            new_pvalues[index] = new_values[i]                                                                                                                      return new_pvalues