How to join multiple data frames using dplyr? How to join multiple data frames using dplyr? r r

How to join multiple data frames using dplyr?

Would this work for you?

jnd.tbl <- df1 %>%    left_join(df2, by='b') %>%    left_join(df3, by='d')

It's been too late i I got introduced to the unanswered questions section. Sorry to bother.

Using left_join()

dfs <- list(              df1 = data.frame(b = c("a", "b", "c"), a = 1:3),              df2 = data.frame(d = c("a", "c", "d"), c = 4:6),              df3 = data.frame(b = c("b", "c", "e"), d = 7:9)         )func <- function(...){  df1 = list(...)[[1]]  df2 = list(...)[[2]]  col1 = colnames(df1)[1]  col2 = colnames(df2)[1]  xxx = left_join(..., by = setNames(col2,col1))  return(xxx)}Reduce( func, dfs)#  b a  c  d#1 a 1  4 NA#2 b 2 NA  7#3 c 3  5  8

Using merge() :

func <- function(...){  df1 = list(...)[[1]]  df2 = list(...)[[2]]  col1 = colnames(df1)[1]  col2 = colnames(df2)[1]  xxx=merge(..., by.x = col1, by.y = col2, , all.x = T)  return(xxx)}Reduce( func, dfs)#  b a  c  d#1 a 1  4 NA#2 b 2 NA  7#3 c 3  5  8