How to make scrollable slides in an ioslides presentation with rmarkdown How to make scrollable slides in an ioslides presentation with rmarkdown r r

How to make scrollable slides in an ioslides presentation with rmarkdown


The bit of CSS that will make the slide scrollable (both horizontally and vertically but you just have to remove one line if only vertical scrolling is needed) is:

slides > slide {  overflow-x: auto !important;  overflow-y: auto !important;}

Note that the slide gets a height from ioslide so there is no need to specify a height (and in fact it seems to introduce visual glitches if you do). Using auto instead of scroll makes sure a scrollbar only appears when there is a need.

You can either add this CSS directly in the Rmd in between <style> tags or put the CSS in a separate file (e.g. scrollable_slides.css).

The CSS file can then be added to the Rmd like this (assuming scrollable_slides.css is in the same directory as the Rmd):

---title: "..."output:   ioslides_presentation:    css: 'scrollable_slides.css'runtime: shiny---