How to suppress qplot's binwidth warning inside a function? How to suppress qplot's binwidth warning inside a function? r r

How to suppress qplot's binwidth warning inside a function?

To attempt to clear up some confusion, this construct does not prevent the binwidth warnings/messages to appear:

suppressMessages(p <- ggplot(...))print(p)

But this does:

p <- ggplot(...)suppressMessages(print(p))

As Hadley's comment points out, lazy evaluation prevents the stat_* functions from actually running until they need to at print-time.

I can't explain the why of this one (Hadley may swing by and do so) but using ggplot instead of qplot solves the problem:

d <- data.frame(v1 = rnorm(100))myfun <- function(x){    p <- ggplot(data = x, aes(x = v1)) +                     geom_histogram(binwidth = diff(range(x$v1))/30)    print(p)}

Doing it this way I get no warning message. Also, using ggplot and removing the binwidth = ... portion in geom_histogram makes the warning reappear, but then suppressMessages works as expected as well.

I suspect this has to do with namespaces or environments and when/where qplot and ggplot are evaluating arguments. But again, that's just a guess...

As they say on TV "Had this been a real warning you would have been given directions from your local authorities."

Since it wasn't a warning then my original answer didn't cause it to error out. This is what I should have written:

options(warnings= -1)<do something> # no warningsoptions(warnngs=1)<business as usual>

But it wasn't a warning but a message to the console. Here's how to stop it:

 con=file("temp.fil", "w") sink(con, type="message") library(ggplot2)  d=rnorm(100)  myfun=function(x) qplot(x)  myfun(d) sink( type="message")