Is there something like requirements.txt for R? [closed] Is there something like requirements.txt for R? [closed] r r

Is there something like requirements.txt for R? [closed]

As per the comments, you might want to look at building a package, and including the requirements in the DESCRIPTION file. If you're talking about putting a .R script "into production", you can put a function at the start to make sure the packages required are installed. Here's something along those lines that I have in my own package, and I can call pkgLoad( <list of packages> ) at the beginning of any script to make sure the packages are installed and loaded. I include a list of my favourite packages, such that a call of pkgLoad() installs and loads all my usual suspects:

pkgLoad <- function( packages = "favourites" ) {    if( length( packages ) == 1L && packages == "favourites" ) {        packages <- c( "data.table", "chron", "plyr", "dplyr", "shiny",                       "shinyjs", "parallel", "devtools", "doMC", "utils",                       "stats", "microbenchmark", "ggplot2", "readxl",                       "feather", "googlesheets", "readr", "DT", "knitr",                       "rmarkdown", "Rcpp"        )    }    packagecheck <- match( packages, utils::installed.packages()[,1] )    packagestoinstall <- packages[ packagecheck ) ]    if( length( packagestoinstall ) > 0L ) {        utils::install.packages( packagestoinstall,                             repos = ""        )    } else {        print( "All requested packages already installed" )    }    for( package in packages ) {        suppressPackageStartupMessages(            library( package, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE )        )    }}

Note I've built my favourite CRAN mirror into the function, so make sure you edit that for your own needs.