Java-R integration? Java-R integration? r r

Java-R integration?

I have successfully used two alternatives in the past.


  • Pros: probably better performance.
  • Cons: you have to configure some environment variables and libraries, different in Win/UNIX.


  • Pros: easy to setup, you don't need to initialize R or link againstany R library, can run in a different machine.
  • Cons: based on TCP/IP (a server is running), no callbacks from R.

Other alternatives I have never used : RCaller

There has been work by Duncan Temple Lang: .

My guess as to the most robust solution would be JGR. The developers of JGR have a mailing list, Stats-Rosuda and the mailing list Archive indicates the list remains active as of 2013.

There is also code that has been put up at Googlecode, with an example here:

This is an old question.. but for anyone browsing through here that is still interested: I wrote a blog article that provides a detailed example of how to use JRI/rjava (a JNI based bridge) to do this type of thing (the how-to is focused on Linux dev environments). I also compare and contrast alternative approaches for doing 'mathy' stuff by calling out to R and similar frameworks.