knitr - error when importing python module knitr - error when importing python module r r

knitr - error when importing python module


{python engine.path="C:/anaconda/python.exe"}import pandas

change C:/anaconda/python.exe to your python path.

This happened to me too, in Atom.

Check to make sure the two files are in the same directory. Put them in the same folder or path.

Then, go into Terminal or Command Line and type

cd Downloads

(or whatever large directory the files are in). Then, type in smaller folder like: cd _____, such as cd animals. There, you can open the one file that you want to have the other file import to by typing python3 -i (file name). Make sure the file has from ___(master file) import * and you can run the code in terminal.

This should work. The problem is you can't import by running the code. Instead, you have to link the two using terminal or command line.