Masking methods in R Masking methods in R r r

Masking methods in R

Update There is now an R package on github that tries to solve these issues. It is still far from an ideal solution, but it goes som way towards solving the issue. It currently has functions require, library and warnS3Methods.

devtools::install_github("blasern/warnS3")require(warnS3)# Examplesrequire2(dplyr)## Loading required package: dplyr#### Attaching package: ‘dplyr’#### The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:##  ##  filter#### The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:##   ##  intersect, setdiff, setequal, union## ## The following methods are masked by 'package:dplyr':##  ##  'lag.default' from 'package:stats'require2(roxygen2)## Loading required package: roxygen2## The following methods are masked by 'package:roxygen2':##  ##  'escape.character' from 'package:dplyr'warnS3Methods()## The following methods are available in multiple packages: ##  ##  'escape.character' in packages: dplyr, roxygen2##  'lag.default' in packages: dplyr, stats

This is only a an idea of how one can find masked S3 methods. It is by no means a perfect solution, but I guess until somebody comes up with a better idea it will at least help with debuging.

#' Get all S3 methods from a package#' #' Find all S3 methods from a package#' #' @param pkg can be either the name of an installed package#' or the path of a packagegetPkgS3Methods <- function(pkg){  if (basename(pkg) == pkg) pkg <- path.package(pkg)  ns <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(pkg),                            dirname(pkg),                            mustExist = FALSE)  if (length(ns$S3methods) == 0) return(NULL)  df <-, ns$S3methods)  colnames(df) <- c("package", "method", "class", "other")  df}#' Get masked S3 methods#' #' Finds all S3 methods that are currently available that are#' duplicatedgetMaskedS3Methods <- function(){  paths <- as.character(gtools::loadedPackages(silent = TRUE)[, "Path"])  lst <- lapply(paths, getPkgS3Methods)  all_methods <-, lst)  duplicates <-   duplicated(all_methods[, c("method", "class")]) |    duplicated(all_methods[, c("method", "class")], fromLast = TRUE)  res <- all_methods[duplicates, ]  res[order(res$method, res$class, res$package), ]}

Called from a clean workspace (with the above functions, but no packages loaded), you can then observe the following:

getMaskedS3Methods()## [1] package method  class   other  ## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)require(dplyr)getMaskedS3Methods()## package method   class other## 143   dplyr    lag default  <NA>## 438   stats    lag default  <NA>

That just tells you that here are two lag.default methods. It does not actually tell you, which one is masking the other. It just points out potential problems.

The conflicted package (see here) now offers a potential solution to this problem. With conflicted loaded, you get more explicit error messages about conflicting function names. You also can use conflict_prefer (details here) to specify which package's function you want to use by default and which should be masked.

For example, here is a recent error I got when attempting to use the function parallel from the nFactors package:

# Error: [conflicted] `parallel` found in 2 packages.# Either pick the one you want with `::` # * nFactors::parallel# * lattice::parallel# Or declare a preference with `conflict_prefer()`# * conflict_prefer("parallel", "nFactors")# * conflict_prefer("parallel", "lattice")

I then added

conflict_prefer("parallel", "nFactors") 

right after the code loading my libraries at the beginning of the script to make sure that parallel would call nFactors::parallel in my code.