pictorial chart in r pictorial chart in r r r

pictorial chart in r

Hope that this would be helpful four your house / parliament floor

Edit: I forget to mention my reference and I add some explanations.enter image description here

library(lattice)library(grid)imgs.names <- c('WNinq','7dqJM','9E3Wj','tStmx')library(png)images <- lapply(imgs.names, function(x)      readPNG(paste(mypath,x,'.png',sep=''),native=TRUE))## I generate some data because we don't give a reproducible examplex <- c(rep(0,4),rep(10,9),rep(20,3),rep(5,8),rep(4,8),rep(15,4),rep(13,8))barchart(1:4~x, origin=0, col="yellow",xlim=c(0,30),             xlab ='values',ylab='categories',title = 'Pictorial',             scales = list(               y = list(cex=2,col='blue', at = 1:4,labels = c('Trains','Cars','Ships','Planes')),               x = list(cex=2,col='blue',at=seq(0,30,by=10))               ),             panel=function(x, y, ...) {                panel.fill(col = rgb(1,1,205/255))    ## I had to pick up the same yellow color!!                panel.grid()                lapply(1:4,function(id){                grid.raster(images[[id]], x=x[which(y==id)],  y=y[which(y==id)],                           default.units="native",                           just="left",                           width =unit(2, "native"),                           height=unit(0.7, "native"))                }            )          }         )