postcode distances using google postcode distances using google r r

postcode distances using google

I would start by something like this to get the lat/long

Get lat/long for each post code

library(XML)school.postcodes <- c("KA12 6QE", "SW1A 0AA", "WC1X 9NT")ll <- lapply(school.postcodes,    function(str){       u <- paste('',str)       doc <-  xmlTreeParse(u, useInternal=TRUE)       lat=xpathApply(doc,'/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat',xmlValue)[[1]]       lng=xpathApply(doc,'/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng',xmlValue)[[1]]       c(code = str,lat = lat, lng = lng)})# get long/lat for the studentsll.students <- lapply($,             function(str){               u <- paste('',str)               doc <-  xmlTreeParse(u, useInternal=TRUE)               lat=xpathApply(doc,'/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat',xmlValue)[[1]]               lng=xpathApply(doc,'/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng',xmlValue)[[1]]               c(code = str,lat = lat, lng = lng)             })ll <-,ll)ll.students <-,ll.students),ll)      code         lat          lng         [1,] "KA12%206QE" "55.6188429" "-4.6766226"[2,] "SW1A%200AA" "51.5004864" "-0.1254664"[3,] "WC1X%209NT" "51.5287992" "-0.1181098"

get the distance matrix

library(RJSONIO)dist.list <- lapply(seq(nrow(ll)),                    function(id){                      url <- paste("",                                   ll[id,2],",",ll[id,3],                                   "&destinations=",                                   paste( ll.students[,2],ll.students[,3],sep=',',collapse='|'),                                   "&sensor=false",sep ='')                      res <- fromJSON(url)                        hh <- sapply(res$rows[[1]]$elements,function(dest){                          c(distance= as.numeric(dest$distance$value),                                     duration = dest$duration$text)                        })                      hh <- rbind(hh,destination =  ll.students[,1])                    })names(dist.list) <- ll[,1]dist.list$`SL4 6DW`            [,1]              [,2]      [,3]     distance    "664698"          "36583"   "41967"  duration    "6 hours 30 mins" "43 mins" "49 mins"destination "1"               "2"       "3"      $`SW13 9JT`            [,1]              [,2]      [,3]     distance    "682210"          "9476"    "13125"  duration    "6 hours 39 mins" "22 mins" "27 mins"destination "1"               "2"       "3"