R Markdown document with html/docx output, using LaTeX package bbm? R Markdown document with html/docx output, using LaTeX package bbm? r r

R Markdown document with html/docx output, using LaTeX package bbm?

Ok, another answer, I just realized, these are two slightly different questions - one by the question starter and one by the bounty starter.

I would need a solution to this issue as well. Here is my minimumexample expected to work:

---title: "Testing LaTeX packages in Docx format" output: word_document header-includes:  - \usepackage{xfrac} ---   $$ \sfrac{1}{2} $$ ```

In this case the outlined answer with MathJax will not work so well. sfrac is not supported by MathJax (http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/input/tex/macros/index.html)

I don't know if you need \sfrac specifically, but \frac or \tfrac would be supported. Maybe you can use these instead.

Here an example with \frac

 --- title: "Frac Test" header-includes:   - \usepackage{xfrac} output:  pdf_document: default  html_document: default  word_document: default---$$   \frac{1}{2}+1$$

Output of \frac example html:

enter image description here

This will work for .pdf / word and html.

Here an example with \tfrac

---title: "TFrac Test"header-includes:  - \usepackage{xfrac}output:  pdf_document: default  html_document: default  word_document: default---$$   \tfrac{1}{2}+1$$

Output \tfrac example html:

enter image description here

This will run for html, pdf - for word it will write 1/2 instead of a formula, since there is no \tfrac equivalent in word.

\cfrac and \dfrac are also supported by MathJax.

You can somehow solve this for most of the important symbols/characters via Mathjax. Here is a list of supported symbols/characters:http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/input/tex/macros/index.htmlJust look there for the symbol you need.

Then you use it like this:

$$\require{mhchem}\begin{equation}  [C] + [R]   \xrightleftharpoons[k_{-1}]{k_1}  [CR] + [C]   \xrightleftharpoons[k_{-2}]{k_2}  [C2R](\#eq:multiplebinding)\end{equation}$$

So you need to enclose your command in $$. In this example \xrightleftharpoons was used. From the table I linked you above you can see that you need to add \require{mhchem} in this case. For your case this isn't needed, you just need to write \mathbb.


  ---title: "TinyTeX Test"header-includes:  - \usepackage{mathbbol}output:  pdf_document: default  html_document: default  word_document: default---```{r setup, include=FALSE}knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)```Hello Mori, this should work$$    \mathbb{1}_{S}(x)$$Greetings, Steffen

HTML OUTPUT:enter image description here

WORD OUTPUT:enter image description here

Also note, that I replaced bbm with \usepackage{mathbbol} - otherwise it had errors rendering the pdf for me. Here a discussion about bbm on tex.stackexchange ... most people advise against using bbm, since there are better packages to get the symbols https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/26637/how-do-you-get-mathbb1-to-work-characteristic-function-of-a-set

Ok, so after Steffen's answers, I've come to the conclusion that the proper answer would be: Including LaTeX packages in docx documents cannot be done (at least up to now).

The only solution is to use the equivalent MathJax-supported command/symbol. Nevertheless, Steffen's answer pointed me in the correct direction of the commands supported by MathJax (many thanks!), so I awarded him the bounty.

Also, as my specific problem was with diagonal fractions, I tried all the frac variants allegedly supported by MathJax. There are six of them, out of which the following worked: \dfrac, \frac, and \dfrac, and the following did not: \cfrac, \flatfrac, and \genfrac.