R: Tukey posthoc tests for nnet multinom multinomial fit to test for overall differences in multinomial distribution R: Tukey posthoc tests for nnet multinom multinomial fit to test for overall differences in multinomial distribution r r

R: Tukey posthoc tests for nnet multinom multinomial fit to test for overall differences in multinomial distribution

Just received a kind message of Russ Lenth, and he thought the syntax to do these pairwise comparisons among lakes to test for differences in the multinomial distribution of what food items the alligators eat would be

lsm = lsmeans(fit, ~ lake|food, mode = "latent")cmp = contrast(lsm, method="pairwise", ref=1) test = test(cmp, joint=TRUE, by="contrast") There are linearly dependent rows - df are reduced accordinglytest contrast            df1 df2     F p.value george - hancock      4  24 3.430  0.0236 george - oklawaha     4  24 2.128  0.1084 george - trafford     4  24 3.319  0.0268 hancock - oklawaha    4  24 5.820  0.0020 hancock - trafford    4  24 5.084  0.0041 oklawaha - trafford   4  24 1.484  0.2383

Thanks Russ!