R YaleToolkit: How to change the font size of tick labels on the sparklines? R YaleToolkit: How to change the font size of tick labels on the sparklines? r r

R YaleToolkit: How to change the font size of tick labels on the sparklines?

Well, sparklines are heavily dependant on grid package, so you need to dig deep to search for those font size parameters. Playing with viewpoint will probably get you there. For an easy (but VERY 'raw') solution, just use simple plotting options using par - this way you can manipulate almost every parameter very easily:

 x <- data.frame(V = rnorm(1000), W = rnorm(1000), X = rnorm(1000),      Y = rnorm(1000), Z = rnorm(10)) par(mfrow=c(5,1),mar=c(1,0,0,0),oma=c(4,5,4,4)) plot(x$V,axes=F,ylab="",xlab="",main="",type="l");axis(2,cex.axis=0.7) plot(x$W,axes=F,ylab="",xlab="",main="",type="l");axis(2,cex.axis=0.7) plot(x$X,axes=F,ylab="",xlab="",main="",type="l");axis(2,cex.axis=0.7) plot(x$Y,axes=F,ylab="",xlab="",main="",type="l");axis(2,cex.axis=0.7) plot(x$Z,axes=F,ylab="",xlab="",main="",type="l");axis(2,cex.axis=0.7) axis(1,pos=c(-2))

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