Removing Whitespace From a Whole Data Frame in R Removing Whitespace From a Whole Data Frame in R r r

Removing Whitespace From a Whole Data Frame in R

A lot of the answers are older, so here in 2019 is a simple dplyr solution that will operate only on the character columns to remove trailing and leading whitespace.

library(dplyr)library(stringr)data %>%  mutate_if(is.character, str_trim)## ===== 2020 edit for dplyr (>= 1.0.0) =====df %>%   mutate(across(where(is.character), str_trim))

You can switch out the str_trim() function for other ones if you want a different flavor of whitespace removal.

# for example, remove all spacesdf %>%   mutate(across(where(is.character), str_remove_all, pattern = fixed(" ")))

If i understood you correctly then you want to remove all the white spaces from entire data frame, i guess the code which you are using is good for removing spaces in the column names.I think you should try this:

 apply(myData,2,function(x)gsub('\\s+', '',x))

Hope this works.

This will return a matrix however, if you want to change it to data frame then do:,2,function(x)gsub('\\s+', '',x)))

EDIT In 2020:

Using lapply and trimws function with both=TRUE can remove leading and trailing spaces but not inside it.Since there was no input data provided by OP, I am adding a dummy example to produce the results.


df <- data.frame(val = c(" abc"," kl m","dfsd "),val1 = c("klm ","gdfs","123"),num=1:3,num1=2:4,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#situation: 1 (Using Base R), when we want to remove spaces only at the leading and trailing ends NOT inside the string values, we can use trimws

cols_to_be_rectified <- names(df)[vapply(df, is.character, logical(1))]df[,cols_to_be_rectified] <- lapply(df[,cols_to_be_rectified], trimws)

# situation: 2 (Using Base R) , when we want to remove spaces at every place in the dataframe in character columns (inside of a string as well as at the leading and trailing ends).

(This was the initial solution proposed using apply, please note a solution using apply seems to work but would be very slow, also the with the question its apparently not very clear if OP really wanted to remove leading/trailing blank or every blank in the data)

cols_to_be_rectified <- names(df)[vapply(df, is.character, logical(1))]df[,cols_to_be_rectified] <- lapply(df[,cols_to_be_rectified], function(x)gsub('\\s+','',x))

## situation: 1 (Using data.table, removing only leading and trailing blanks)

library(data.table)setDT(df)cols_to_be_rectified <- names(df)[vapply(df, is.character, logical(1))]df[,c(cols_to_be_rectified) := lapply(.SD, trimws), .SDcols = cols_to_be_rectified]

Output from situation1:

    val val1 num num11:  abc  klm   1    22: kl m gdfs   2    33: dfsd  123   3    4

## situation: 2 (Using data.table, removing every blank inside as well as leading/trailing blanks)

cols_to_be_rectified <- names(df)[vapply(df, is.character, logical(1))]df[,c(cols_to_be_rectified) := lapply(.SD, function(x)gsub('\\s+', '', x)), .SDcols = cols_to_be_rectified]

Output from situation2:

    val val1 num num11:  abc  klm   1    22:  klm gdfs   2    33: dfsd  123   3    4

Note the difference between the outputs of both situation, In row number 2: you can see that, with trimws we can remove leading and trailing blanks, but with regex solution we are able to remove every blank(s).

I hope this helps , Thanks

Picking up on Fremzy and the comment from Stamper, this is now my handy routine for cleaning up whitespace in data:

df <- data.frame(lapply(df, trimws), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

As others have noted this changes all types to character. In my work, I first determine the types available in the original and conversions required. After trimming, I re-apply the types needed.

If your original types are OK, apply the solution from MarkusN below

Those working with Excel files may wish to explore the readxl package which defaults to trim_ws = TRUE when reading.