Rpres HTML5 presentation "Save As PDF" (Google Chrome) displays incorrectly Rpres HTML5 presentation "Save As PDF" (Google Chrome) displays incorrectly r r

Rpres HTML5 presentation "Save As PDF" (Google Chrome) displays incorrectly

At the moment, RStudio doesn't come with a print CSS for the Rpresentations. As per RStudio support reply here, they are looking to add the feature to save as PDF directly into RStudio. In the meantime, Pandoc is the way to go.

EDIT May 12, 2014:

PDF production of presentations has in the meantime been implemented in RStudio. You can get nice PDF in landscape format with controls to navigate between slides. Download preview version 0.98.836 or higher from here. Then click:

File -> New File -> R Markdown -> Presentation -> Default Output Format = PDF (Beamer)

enter image description here

You can use RStudio to open the corresponding .md file, of course you have to Preview your .Rpres before to generate the .md file. Then click the Preview button to view the .md file and open it in a browser. Finally, it can be printed as hand-outs.