Rscript on ubuntu Rscript on ubuntu r r

Rscript on ubuntu

The main package for R is called r-base. For the scripting and command-line front-end see littler (or r-cran-littler in xenial (16.04LTS) and beyond):

sudo apt-get install littler

Search the ubuntu repositories. Have you checked the littler package?

The answers posted so far are generally useful, but they don't directly answer the question. I recently had the same question and discovered there is no rscript binary for Ubuntu. The r binary itself is used to execute scripts in batch mode as opposed to the separate rscript binary that I was using in OS X.

It appears you may be able to get an rscript binary from other sources (see for example), but I'm not sure why you would need that when simple running "r script.r" from the command line works just fine.