"scale" or "ruler" type plot in r "scale" or "ruler" type plot in r r r

"scale" or "ruler" type plot in r

Quite long solution using ggplot2 library.

First modified your data frame - repeated each element of names and height according to times of 0.2 occurs in height of bar.

myd <- data.frame (names = c(rep("A",floor(2.1/0.2)), rep("B",floor(3.5/0.2)), rep("C",floor(3.5/0.2)), rep("D",floor(1.5/0.2))),                   height = c(rep(2.1,floor(2.1/0.2)), rep(3.5,floor(3.5/0.2)), rep(3.5,floor(3.5/0.2)), rep(1.5,floor(1.5/0.2))))

ystart and yend are y coordinates of small ticks, calculated as sequence by 0.2 for each bar. xstart is x coordinates of small ticks. Here I assume that bars will be 0.5 wide. If width is smaller or larger then coordinates should be changed. xend is calculated assuming that ticks are 0.1 wide.


New values added to data frame.

myd <-data.frame(myd,ystart,yend,xstart,xend)  p <- ggplot(myd, aes(factor(names), height,fill = names))  p <- p + geom_bar(width=0.5)    #This line adds small ticks (segments) to bars  p <- p + geom_segment(aes(x=xstart,y=ystart,xend=xend,yend=yend))  #This line adds white lines at 1, 2 and 3  p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=c(1,2,3),color="white",lwd=1.1)  #Next two lines removes legend and makes place for text  p <- p + guides(fill=FALSE)  p <- p + ylim(c(0,4))  #Add numbers over bars  p <- p + annotate("text",x=c(1,2,3,4),y=c(2.4,3.8,3.8,1.8),label=c("2.1","3.5","3.5","1.5"),angle=90,fontface="bold",size=5)  #Adjustment of appearance to remove guidlines and axis ticks  p <- p + theme_bw()  p <- p + theme(axis.title=element_blank(),          axis.text.y=element_blank(),          axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,face="bold",size=rel(1.5)),          axis.ticks=element_blank(),          panel.border=element_blank(),          panel.grid=element_blank())  print(p)

enter image description here

EDIT - Added solution as function.

Made function ruler.func() - only argument needed is vector of bar heights. First part of function produces data frame and then the second part makes plot.

ruler.func<-function(gg){seq.list<-list()for(i in 1:length(gg)){    ystart<-seq(0.2,gg[i],0.2)  yend<-ystart  xstart<-rep(i-0.25,length(ystart))  xend<-xstart+0.1  nam.val<-c(LETTERS[i],rep(NA,length(ystart)-1))  numb.val<-c(gg[i],rep(NA,length(ystart)-1))  seq.list[[i]]<-data.frame(nam.val,numb.val,xstart,xend,ystart,yend)}df<-as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, seq.list))p <- ggplot(df, aes(nam.val))p <- p + geom_bar(aes(y=numb.val,fill=nam.val),stat="identity",width=0.5,color="black",lwd=1.1)+    scale_x_discrete(limits=LETTERS[1:length(gg)])+    geom_segment(aes(x=xstart,y=ystart,xend=xend,yend=yend))+    geom_hline(yintercept=seq(1,max(gg),1),color="white",lwd=1.1)+    guides(fill=FALSE)+    ylim(c(0,max(gg)+0.5))+    annotate("text",x=seq(1,length(gg),1),y=gg+0.5,label=gg,angle=90,fontface="bold",size=rel(6))+    theme_bw()+    theme(axis.title=element_blank(),               axis.text.y=element_blank(),               axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,face="bold",size=rel(1.5)),               axis.ticks=element_blank(),               panel.border=element_blank(),               panel.grid=element_blank())print(p)}

Example with numbers 1.2, 4.6 and 2.8.


enter image description here

My approach to is to customize grid grobs using the grid package. It is post-ggplot2 processing of the plot.I use Grid Low-level functionsto customise by adding some new drawing to the ggplot2 plot. So great advantage here no need to to add data. You can use the code as it.

I think that the mixture of ggplot2 + the grid processing isa powerful tool to customize plots.

#get the viewport (here we do the stuff)library(grid)library(plyr)## grid.edit('geom_rect',gp=gpar(col='black'),grep=T)## get the panel viewportvp1 <- grid.get('panel',grep=T)$wrapvpdepth <- downViewport(name=vp1$name)rects <- grid.get('geom_rect',grep=T)for(i in 1:4){  ## for each axis i create a view port , within it I draw my yaxis  vpaxis <- viewport(x = rects$x[i]+rects$width[i],                     y = rects$y[i],                      w = 0.005,                      h = rects$height[i],                     just=c('left','top'),                     yscale = c(0,myd$height[i])  )  ## I create the axis, you can customize it using the gp parameter  gxa <- yaxisGrob(name='axiss',vp=vpaxis,                   at = seq(0,myd$height[i],by=0.5),                   gp=gpar(cex=.8))  grid.draw(gxa)}## I put a blank backgroundgrid.edit('background.rect',grep=T,gp=gpar(fill=NA))###upViewport(depth)

enter image description here

for coordinate floop we use xaxis we change the for loop above by :

for(i in 1:4){vpaxis <- viewport(x = rects$x[i],                   y = rects$y[i],                    w = rects$width[i],                    h = 0,                   just=c('left','top'),                   clip=FALSE,                   xscale = c(0,myd$height[i]),)gxa <- xaxisGrob(name='axiss',vp=vpaxis,                 at = seq(0,myd$height[i],by=0.5),                 gp=gpar(cex=.8))grid.draw(gxa)}

enter image description here