Shiny Dashboard - display a dedicated "loading.." page until initial loading of the data is done Shiny Dashboard - display a dedicated "loading.." page until initial loading of the data is done r r

Shiny Dashboard - display a dedicated "loading.." page until initial loading of the data is done

Here's a very simple example using shinyjs package

The idea is to create the loading "page" and the content "page" under different IDs, have the content page initially hidden, and use show() and hide() after the app is ready

library(shiny)library(shinyjs)load_data <- function() {  Sys.sleep(2)  hide("loading_page")  show("main_content")}ui <- fluidPage(  useShinyjs(),  div(    id = "loading_page",    h1("Loading...")  ),  hidden(    div(      id = "main_content",      "Data loaded, content goes here"    )  ))server <- function(input, output, session) {  load_data()}shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

In server I like to use reactiveValues() to store a setupComplete condition. Then, when the data is loaded my setupComplete is set to TRUE.

In the ui we can then assess this setupComplete condition in a conditionalPanel, and only display the content (in my example the three box() widgets).

Here's a working example

## app.R ##library(shiny)library(shinydashboard)library(shinyjs)ui <- dashboardPage(    dashboardHeader(),    dashboardSidebar(),    dashboardBody(        actionButton(inputId = "btn_data", label = "Download"),        conditionalPanel(condition = "output.setupComplete",            box( title = "box1" ),            box( title = "box2" ),            box( title = "boc3" )        ),        conditionalPanel(condition = "!output.setupComplete",                         box( title = "loading"))    ))server <- function(input, output) {     rv <- reactiveValues()    rv$setupComplete <- FALSE    ## simulate data load    observe({        if(input$btn_data){            df <- data.frame(id = seq(1,200),                             val = rnorm(200, 0, 1))            ## Simulate the data load            Sys.sleep(5)            ## set my condition to TRUE            rv$setupComplete <- TRUE        }        ## the conditional panel reads this output        output$setupComplete <- reactive({            return(rv$setupComplete)        })        outputOptions(output, 'setupComplete', suspendWhenHidden=FALSE)    })}shinyApp(ui, server)

The code

hidden(    div(      id = "main_content",      "Data loaded, content goes here"    )

doesn't work with tabsetPanel. But if you move the id to the div level it works beautifully. Thanks to shinyjs author Dean Attali for this tip.

  hidden(        div(id = "mainTabsetPanel",          tabsetPanel(....