Shiny with multiple tabs and different sidebar in each tab Shiny with multiple tabs and different sidebar in each tab r r

Shiny with multiple tabs and different sidebar in each tab

I made a simple UI template you can use based on your description. I also changed your column specification from 8,7 to 7,5 because shiny UI is based on 12 grid system. Here is the code:

library(shiny)library(plotly)shinyApp(  ui = fluidPage(    tabsetPanel(      tabPanel("Map", fluid = TRUE,               sidebarLayout(                 sidebarPanel(selectInput("Country", "Select Country", choices = "", selected = "")),                 mainPanel(                   htmlOutput("Attacks")                 )               )      ),      tabPanel("plot", fluid = TRUE,               sidebarLayout(                 sidebarPanel(sliderInput("year", "Year:", min = 1968, max = 2009, value = 2009, sep='')),                 mainPanel(fluidRow(                   column(7,  plotlyOutput("")),                   column(5, plotlyOutput(""))                    )                 )               )      )    )  ),   server = function(input, output) {  })