statsmodels linear regression - patsy formula to include all predictors in model statsmodels linear regression - patsy formula to include all predictors in model r r

statsmodels linear regression - patsy formula to include all predictors in model

I haven't found . equivalent in patsy documentation either. But what it lacks in conciseness, it can make-up for by giving strong string manipulation in Python. So, you can get formula involving all variable columns in DF using

all_columns = "+".join(DF.columns - ["y"])

This gives x1+x2+x3 in your case. Finally, you can create a string formula using y and pass it to any fitting procedure

my_formula = "y~" + all_columnsresult = lm(formula=my_formula, data=DF)

No this doesn't exist in patsy yet, unfortunately. See this issue.

As this is still not included in patsy, I wrote a small function that I call when I need to run statsmodels models with all columns (optionally with exceptions)

def ols_formula(df, dependent_var, *excluded_cols):    '''    Generates the R style formula for statsmodels (patsy) given    the dataframe, dependent variable and optional excluded columns    as strings    '''    df_columns = list(df.columns.values)    df_columns.remove(dependent_var)    for col in excluded_cols:        df_columns.remove(col)    return dependent_var + ' ~ ' + ' + '.join(df_columns)

For example, for a dataframe called df with columns y, x1, x2, x3, running ols_formula(df, 'y', 'x3') returns 'y ~ x1 + x2'