trouble installing "sf" due to "gdal" trouble installing "sf" due to "gdal" r r

trouble installing "sf" due to "gdal"

Facing similar problem I have followed the steps below:

  1. On Terminal: gdalinfo --version to check which gdal version do you have. Mine was GDAL 2.2.0, released 2017/04/28 after brew update and brew upgrade
  2. From here:, instructions for macOS, as I have already gdal installed, I have used only brew unlink gdal and then brew link --force gdal2
  3. I reinstalled rgdal on R: install.packages("rgdal", repos = "", type = "source") and I have confirmed it was compiled with configure: GDAL: 2.2.0
  4. Finally, install.packages("sf") and it required to be compiled: binary source needs_compilation sf 0.5-3 TRUE
  5. Again, I have confirmed configure: GDAL: 2.2.0 and checking GDAL version >= 2.0.0... yes

After that, I have the new version installed: library(sf)Linking to GEOS 3.6.2, GDAL 2.2.0, proj.4 4.9.3

I hope it could be a solution for you too.

The sf github page has installation instructions that include some information about this issue. In addition to following the steps there to install gdal with brew, I also had to install proj separately:

Actually one simple resolution is downloading sf file from CRAN, then manually install it.

I have the same problem and solved using this method.