Update a data frame in shiny server.R without restarting the App Update a data frame in shiny server.R without restarting the App r r

Update a data frame in shiny server.R without restarting the App

If you just update regular variables (in the global environment, or otherwise) Shiny doesn't know to react to them. You need to use a reactiveValues object to store your variables instead. You create one using reactiveValues() and it works much like an environment or list--you can store objects by name in it. You can use either $foo or [['foo']] syntax for accessing values.

Once a reactive function reads a value from a reactiveValues object, if that value is overwritten by a different value in the future then the reactive function will know it needs to re-execute.

Here's an example (made more complicated by the fact that you are using load instead of something that returns a single value, like read.table):

values <- reactiveValues()updateData <- function() {  vars <- load(file = "my_data_frame.RData", envir = .GlobalEnv)  for (var in vars)    values[[var]] <- get(var, .GlobalEnv)}updateData()  # also call updateData() whenever you want to reload the dataoutput$foo <- reactivePlot(function() {  # Assuming the .RData file contains a variable named mydata  plot(values$mydata)}

We should have better documentation on this stuff pretty soon. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime.