Using non-ASCII characters inside functions for packages Using non-ASCII characters inside functions for packages r r

Using non-ASCII characters inside functions for packages

For the \uxxxx escapes, you need to know the hexadecimal number of your character. You can determine it using charToRaw:

sprintf("%X", as.integer(charToRaw("£")))[1] "A3"

Now you can use this to specify your non-ascii character. Both \u00A3 and £ represent the same character.

Another option is to use stringi::stri_escape_unicode:

library(stringi)stringi::stri_escape_unicode("➛")# "\\u279b"

This informs you that "\u279b" represents the character "➛".

Try this:

pounds<-function(x) paste0("\u00A3",x)

The stringi package can be useful is these situations:

library(stringi)stri_escape_unicode("£")#> [1] "\\u00a3"