Which version of R is running in my computer? Which version of R is running in my computer? r r

Which version of R is running in my computer?

05/20/2021 Update:

It should be R.version now

In addition to @Piotr Jaszkowski, R.Version() should do the work as well

Run R --version there's info about version on the first line.

Edit: If you ask this question then I bet that R is not running from any of these directories. Check $PATH env variable to get information where binaries are looked for and in which order.

Edit 2: Use type shell command to find where binary for given command is stored, -a for all paths, -f for the hashed one (basically: most recently used).

The builtin version will show this.

> version               _                            platform       x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0     ...version.string R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)

version is a named list with 14 items, really you just want to see:

> version[['version.string']]               _                            [1] "R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)"

and in fact if you only want the version-string:

> strsplit(version[['version.string']], ' ')[[1]][3][1] "2.15.2"

Type builtins() to see all the builtins.

POSTSCRIPT: turns out version and R.version (mentioned by nathaninmac) are aliases for the same thing.