activeClassName in react router is highlighting two NavLinks at the same time activeClassName in react router is highlighting two NavLinks at the same time reactjs reactjs

activeClassName in react router is highlighting two NavLinks at the same time

The Navlink also needs an exact on it... Change to this:

import React, { Component } from 'react';import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';class Navigation extends Component {  render() {    return (      <div>        <p> My Navigation component </p>        <nav>          <ul>            <li><NavLink to='/' activeClassName="current" exact={true}> Home </NavLink> </li>            <li><NavLink to='/about' activeClassName="current"> About </NavLink> </li>            <li><NavLink to='/contact' activeClassName="current"> Contact </NavLink> </li>          </ul>        </nav>      </div>    );  }}export default Navigation;

You should add the exact property to your root("") Route, otherwise, it will match every route starting with "", React Router exact


<Route exact path="/" component={Home} /><Route path="/about" component={About} /><Route path="/topics" component={Topics} />


Also changing the order will have same effect without exact property

<Route path="/about" component={About} /><Route path="/topics" component={Topics} /><Route path="/" component={Home} />

in side a router switch it will go to the first matching route, if we add a route with path / at the beginning it will always render the component in the path, it is better avoid exact fix with order

Remove activeClassName and activeStyle props from <NavLink />

As of v6.0.0-beta.3, the activeClassName and activeStyle props have been removed from NavLinkProps. Instead, you can pass a function to either style or className that will allow you to customize the inline styling or the class string based on the component's active state.


<NavLink  to="/"  className={({ isActive }) => "nav-link" + (isActive ? " activated" : "")}>  Home</NavLink>


<NavLink  to="/"  style={({ isActive }) => ({ color: isActive ? 'green' : 'blue' })}>  Home</NavLink>
