Align next to each other in <View/> react native Align next to each other in <View/> react native reactjs reactjs

Align next to each other in <View/> react native

You can use flexDirection to layout items in row. The default is column

<TouchableOpacity  key = {index}  onPress = {() => this._onPress(key)}  style = {containerStyle.container}>  <View style={containerStyle.rowContainer}>    <Icon      name = {Platform.OS === "ios" ? "ios-checkmark-outline" : "md-checkmark"}      size = {24}      style = {{ paddingLeft: 10, color: "#108EE9"}} />    <Text      style = {this._createStyleText(key)}>      {key}    </Text>  </View></TouchableOpacity>const containerStyle = StyleSheet.create({  container: {    padding: 8,    backgroundColor: "#ffffff",  },  rowContainer: {    flexDirection: 'row'  }}); const textStyle = StyleSheet.create({  unselectedText: {      paddingLeft: 45,      color: "#000000",      fontWeight: "normal",  },}); 

<View style={{flexDirection:'row'}}>  <Icon    name = {Platform.OS === "ios" ? "ios-checkmark-outline" : "md-checkmark"}    size = {24}    style = {{ paddingLeft: 10}} />  <Text    style = {this._createStyleText(key)}>    {key}  </Text></View>