Can I build sass/less/css in webpack without requiring them in my JS? Can I build sass/less/css in webpack without requiring them in my JS? reactjs reactjs

Can I build sass/less/css in webpack without requiring them in my JS?

I solved this with the help of @bebraw

As he stated in his comment, webpack will create a dummy javascript file as followed by the pattern in your output.filename when using ExtractTextPlugin. Because I was setting the output file of the ExtractTextPlugin to exactly the same as the name in the output.filename, it was only outputting the javascript file. By ensuring that the name of the output.filename and ExtractTextPlugin output filename are different, I was able to load my sass to css beautifully.

Here's the final example of the webpack.config.js

entry_object[build_css + "style"] = static_scss + "style.scss";module.exports = {  entry: entry_object,  output: {    path: './',    filename: '[name]'  },{  test: /\.scss$/,  include: /.scss$/,  loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css!sass")}  plugins: [    new ExtractTextPlugin("[name].css")  ]