Cancel a promise when a component is unmounted in ReactJS Cancel a promise when a component is unmounted in ReactJS reactjs reactjs

Cancel a promise when a component is unmounted in ReactJS

A variation of this seemed to work for me.I made an HOC with the mounted instance variable and wrapped all async components in it.

Below is what my code roughly loks like.

export function makeMountAware(Component) {    return class MountAwareComponent extends React.Component {        mounted = false;        componentDidMount() {            this.mounted = true;        }        componentWillUnmount() {            this.mounted = false;        }        return (            <Component                 mounted = {this.mounted}                {...this.props}                {...this.state}            />        );    }}class AsyncComponent extends React.Component {    componentDidMount() {        fetchAsyncData()            .then(data => {                this.props.mounted && this.setState(prevState => ({                    ...prevState,                    data                }));            });    }}export default makeMountAware(AsyncComponent);

You can't cancel native ES6 promises.

What you can do, however, is maybe use non-native promise libraries like Bluebird or Q, that give you promises that can be cancelled.

There are various things you can do. The simplest is to reject the promise:

this.prom = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {     this.rejectProm = reject;     ...});

and then

componentWillUnmount(){   if (this.rejectProm) {      this.rejectProm();      this.rejectProm = nil;   }   console.log("unmounted")}