Class variables in React with ES6 Class variables in React with ES6 reactjs reactjs

Class variables in React with ES6

But how come then the code pen is working?

Because it's using a transpiler (in that case, Babel) that supports that syntax (which is currently a StageĀ 3 proposal, not a specified feature [yet], but is commonly supported by transpilers used with React code).

You can see that it's transpiling with Babel because it says "(Babel)" next to "JS" in the JS pane's header:

enter image description here

...and if you click the gear icon next to it, you'll see Babel selected as the "Preprocessor".

In this particular case, Babel takes this:

class Colors extends Component {  colors = d3.schemeCategory20;  width = d3.scaleBand()            .domain(d3.range(20));   // ....}

...and makes it as though it had been written like this:

class Colors extends Component {  constructor() {    this.colors = d3.schemeCategory20;    this.width = d3.scaleBand()                   .domain(d3.range(20));  }  // ....}

...(and then might well turn that into ES5-compliant code, depending on the transpiling settings).