Closing React Semantic UI modal with button and close icon Closing React Semantic UI modal with button and close icon reactjs reactjs

Closing React Semantic UI modal with button and close icon

when you use the open prop you need to use the onClose handler prop as well.
By the way, closeOnDimmerClick is set to true by default.

Here is a running example:

const { Modal, Form, Button, Icon } = semanticUIReact;class App extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      something: '',      showModal: false    }  }  handleChangeForms = (e, { value }) => {    this.setState({ something: value });  }  handleCreateButton(evt) {    evt.preventDefault()    this.closeModal();  }  closeModal = () => {    this.setState({ showModal: false })  }  render() {    const {      something,      showModal    } = this.state    return (      <Modal closeIcon onClose={this.closeModal} open={showModal} trigger={<Button onClick={() => this.setState({ showModal: true })}><Icon className='plus' />New Challenge</Button>}>        <Modal.Header>My Modal</Modal.Header>        <Modal.Content>          <Form>            <Form.Input              label='Something'              value={something}              onChange={this.handleChangeForms}            />            <Button onClick={(evt) => this.handleCreateButton(evt)}>Save</Button>          </Form>        </Modal.Content>      </Modal>    )  }}ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
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