Correctly destructuring this.props for the whole component Correctly destructuring this.props for the whole component reactjs reactjs

Correctly destructuring this.props for the whole component

If you move it outside they would be null , because at that time constructor would not have got called.

It is a recommender approach to keep it in render or function because your parent component can change state which will cause your child to get rerendered ,So you need fresh props for every render .

Correctly destructuring this.props for the whole component

Well you can't do that. Destructuring can only assign local variables so you'd need to destructure props in each function. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with having to write this.props.value. Use destructuring when it helps readability, not just because you don't feel like typing this.props.

I would write your code like this

// import cx from whateverconst someFunction = value=> console.log(value)export const Input = ({type, value, required}) => (  someFunction(value),  <div className={cx('Input')}>    <input type={type} value={value} required={required} />  </div>)

Maybe consider updating it to a functional component.

function someFunction(props) {  console.log(props.value)}function Input(props) {  const { type, value, required } = props;  someFunction(props); // logs props.value  return (    <div className={cx('Input')}>      <input type={type} value={value} required={required} />    </div>  )}export default Input;